- 大白鲨是海洋中最危险的生物,那条被咬的大白鲨被拖上斯特拉德布罗克岛北面亡者海滩附近的渔船上时还是活着的。
- The great white , the most dangerous creature in the sea , was still alive when hauled onto a boat near deadman 's beach off north stradbroke island .
- 我得只有一我害怕:一咆哮的海,我站在船上拿著要和它搏。
- I can remember only one of them that frightened me : a great roaring sea-beast which I was trying to fight with an oar as I stood in a boat .
- 塞浦路斯乘船是一个伟大的方式看到一些神话般的洞穴和海湾,否则完全无法从陆地。
- Cyprus boat trips are a great way to see some of the fabulous coves and bays that would otherwise be totally inaccessible from the land .
- 更多人可能想要船逃亡。
- Others may want to jump ship .
- 他的船也出现了很多漏洞。
- His ship also sprang numerous leaks .
- 他想要一艘火箭船。
- He wanted a rocket ship .
- 他想将他的船载满各种货物后航行到国外去。
- He wanted to sail his ship abroad with all kinds of goods .
- 苏珊:我喜欢航帆但是我从来都没有时间。
- Susan : I love to sail , but I never have time .
- 这意味着应当在相当靠近太阳的空间位置部署一艘超轻型太阳帆飞船。
- That means deploying an ultralight solar sail really close to the sun .
- 财福寿何解死无葬身之地?
- Choi fook sau what makes us lacking in land of burial ?
- 我还是那儿的啦啦队教练。
- I also coach a cheerleadi team there at sau .
- 社会福利署秀宝综合家庭服务中心。
- Sau po integrated family service centre , social welfare department .