- 船型建筑可容纳更多房间和办公空间,这点比其他两种设计性价比高,但它存在巨大弱点:在汹涌的大海里容易随波翻滚。
- Ship-shaped structures can pack in more apartments and office space for a given cost than the other two types of design , but they have a big drawback : their tendency to roll in choppy seas .
- 不久,大船到了。那无法无天的妻子带着悲伤的面容,走到父亲面前。
- Soon after this the big ship came sailing in , and the prince 's godless wife appeared before her father with a sorrowful air .
- 这种集装箱可以用船舶、火车或大货车来运输。
- It could be transported on a ship , train or big lorry .
- 这些法案的支持者们希望这些法律中规定的措施可以阻挡住盗版的浪潮。
- The bill 's backers hope the measures in the legislation will stem the tide of piracy .
- 另一项主要研究成果是干细胞。
- The other major development was stem cells .
- 其他银行正在寻找更微妙的方式阻止现金的大量流动。
- Others are finding more subtle ways to stem the flow .