- 你再次离开了那条船。
- You 're out of the boat .
- 照片中的这条船是斯嘉丽号。
- That boat in the photo is called scarlett .
- 主耶稣在船里睡了。
- Jesus was asleep in the boat .
- 更多人可能想要船逃亡。
- Others may want to jump ship .
- 他的船也出现了很多漏洞。
- His ship also sprang numerous leaks .
- 他想要一艘火箭船。
- He wanted a rocket ship .
- 没有曹士官,你能一个人做吗?
- Can you do it without sergeant jo ?
- maryjowhite有多年打击白领犯罪并且将犯罪分子和恐怖分子绳之于法的丰富经验。
- Mary jo white has decades of experience cracking down on white-collar criminals and bringing mobsters and terrorists to justice .
- 福利普菲利普斯和乔琼斯可能并没有视我们为事业上的竞争对手,但我们依然受到尊重。
- Flip phillips and jo jones probably didn 't consider us challenges to their careers , but we were respected just the same .