- 神性写作和日常写作作为不同审美观照下形成的两种不同文学实践方式,它们在叙事形态、情感方式以及审美境界、艺术想象力上都迥然不同。
- As two different literature practices in different aesthetical perspectives , divinity writing and daily writing are very different in narrative forms , mode of emotion and art imagination .
- 本篇论文探讨的时代以晚清鸦片战争、太平天天国革命为范围,以女性乱离书写为主题,期盼藉此呈现晚清前期(道光咸丰年间)女诗人的个体、群体意识,以及她们的书写、文化生活。
- The theme of this essay is the feministic war literature and creative writing which is focused the era of opium war and taiping rebellion . It presents the individual and group consensuses of female poets of early late-ching dynasty , and describes their writing and culture life .
- 今文《春秋》释义分别在“文”的发生论和创作论上发生了意义,而其以“王道”统摄《春秋》释义的基本思路,更决定了其“尚用”的功能论。
- The interpretation about the spring and autumn annals exercise influence over the theory about occurrence and creation of writing , and its basic train of thought of using the kingly way to govern interpretation about thespring and autumn annals also stipulate its pragmatic attitude towards the function of writing .