- 按藏族的风俗,凡是死于刀枪、毒药或传染病的人都不能天葬。
- According to tibetan customs , those who are cut to death , shot to death or die of poison or contagious diseases are not allowed to be celestially buried .
- 两天后,水生所发布消息说,一头江豚是遭螺旋桨击伤致死,另一头则疑为电捕鱼或其他原因导致猝死。
- They announced the death reasons two days later : one was wounded to death by propellers , while the other suffered a sudden death due to electrofishing or other man-made causes .
- 如果造假币者和其他坏分子必被世俗统治者马上合法送入死亡,那么,一旦异端被确认为异端,不仅马上被开除出教会,而且合情合理地被处死,那就更是应该的了。
- Wherefore if forgers of money and other evil-doers are forthwith condemned to death by the secular authority , much more reason is there for heretics , as soon as they are convicted of heresy , to be not only excommunicated but even put to death .