- 民法理念;私权神圣;私法自治。
- Notion of civil law ; sacrosanctity of private fight ; autonomy of private law .
- 民主主义的演变史夹杂着立宪主义的批评声,批评的焦点指向民主主义的极端化倾向将人民主权绝对化和神圣化的观念。
- The history of the evolution of democracy is full of criticism by constitutionalists , which mainly ceil ters on the extremity of democracy : its absolutizity and sacrosanctity of people 's sovereignty .
- 但是,圣画真的就神圣吗?
- But is all holy art that holy ?
- 神圣的树木灾难临头了!
- Woe for the holy trees !
- 零是个神圣的数字。
- The number zero was holy .