- 如果你旋转一个物体,它就会有一个角动量。
- If you spin an object , it will have angular momentum .
- 巨磁电阻的产生是因为每一个电子带有一个特定方向的自旋。
- Gmr arises because each electron carries a spin that points in a specific direction .
- 比如,按照理论预测,该粒子的自旋应该为零。
- For example , the theory predicts it will have a spin of zero .
- 如果行星运行快于母星的旋转速度,它会渐渐地向内移动向他的母星,也是它的毁灭。
- If the planet orbits faster than its star spins it should gradually be moving inward towards its sun and its doom .
- 里面有一个铝制的旋转装置把铀气旋转至极高的速度,慢慢把稀薄的铀积累起来用作反应堆燃料和核弹制造。
- Inside , a rotor of aluminum spins uranium gas to blinding speeds , slowly concentrating the rare part of the uranium that can fuel reactors and bombs .
- 泥浆从她的白发和白色皮肤上流下来,与从他的脚上以粉红色螺旋状旋转流出的血混合在一起。
- The mud rolls from her white hair and her white skin and mixes with the blood that spins in pink spirals from his feet .