- 此刻,我不得不承认还没有自主繁殖的技术,也没有自主维持运转的技术。
- I have to agree that right this minute there is no autonomously reproducing technology , and there is no autonomously sustainable technology .
- 技术将具备智能,能够理解他们所收集的信息的含义,既能自主工作又能与其他技术协同配合。
- They will be intelligent , able to understand the data they collect and work both autonomously and in concert with each other .
- 这是美国国防局高级研究计划局筹划的事件,以找出能和城市其它交通并驾自主行驶且行驶时能完成复杂操控的车辆。
- This was an event staged by america 's defence advanced research projects agency to find vehicles that could operate autonomously alongside other traffic in a city and perform complex manoeuvres while doing so .