- 电势在电池间泵过,并被薄膜所分离。
- These are pumped through a cell , separated by a membrane .
- 雷达表面覆盖有特制的薄膜以保证不会在水淹的情况下失效。
- The radar has a special membrane not to let it drown in case of flood .
- 然后用一种真空薄膜压力将扁平的hi-macs薄片加热成型。
- The flat hi-macs sheets then were thermoformed into shape using a vacuum membrane press .
- 一些配方是阻塞子宫颈,很像现在的横膈膜。
- Some would have blocked the cervix , much like a modern diaphragm .
- 如果你的呼吸失去控制或者不够规律,横膈膜就要抱怨了。
- If your breathing isn 't controlled and disciplined , the diaphragm may be complaining .
- 子宫帽是一个半圆的柔软膈膜,在性交之前放入阴道,盖住宫颈部位。
- A diaphragm is soft dome that can be inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix before intercourse .
- 数码相机让胶片变得过时。
- Digital cameras made film obsolete .
- 他在聚精会神的看电影。
- He was entranced with film .
- 这才是真正的恐怖电影。
- That is the real horror film .
- 充气胶囊可以原封不动地回收,不需作任何改动就能够重复使用。
- The capsule was retrieved intact and it can be reused without any modifications .
- 它简直就是一个配备了ip电话的装甲太空舱。
- It is actually an armored capsule with ip telephony .
- 经过重整后,探测器太空舱的内容物将会被送回日本进行分析。
- After recovery , the contents of the capsule are to be moved to japan for analysis .