- 过了一会儿,她张开双臂抱住了他的腰。
- Moments later , she is wrapping her arms around his waist .
- 葡萄发酵产生的白藜芦醇可以抑制你腰部周围的脂肪细胞生长。
- Resveratrol from the grapes inhibits the development of fat cells around your waist .
- 其产物便是一种重量仅为5千克左右、可被绑在使用者腰部的装置。
- The upshot is a device that weighs around 5kg and can be strapped to a user 's waist .
- 腰肌腰部的两块肌肉中的任一块,能使髋关节摆动并屈伸脊椎。
- Either of two muscles of the loin that rotate the hip joint and flex the spine .
- 他做好准备来迎战他的对手。
- He girded up his loin to face his competitor .
- 我们正在开会,来参加吧。
- We 're having a meeting . Come and loin in .