- 国内腐败的政府部门无法应对。
- The corrupt interior ministry cannot cope .
- 第一场战争是击碎腐败的阿拉法特(arafat)政权。
- The first was a war to dismantle the corrupt arafat regime .
- 在最腐败的国家里,统治者只是为了帮助自己获得公款吃喝。
- In the most corrupt countries the rulers simply help themselves to public money .
- 他们论述到,若是公立学校或公共住房腐朽了,就应该鼓励人们逃脱这些。
- If public schools or public housing were rotten , they argued , people should be encouraged to escape them .
- 他们相信,通过对语言的清洗,扫除腐朽的思想,真理和理性就会最终取得胜利。
- Purge the language of rotten thinking , they believed , and truth and reason would prevail at last .
- 有时,如果一国政府确实已经腐朽比如1989年的东德或1789年的法国那么财政危机导致政治崩溃就是一件好事。
- Sometimes , if a government is truly rotten east germany in 1989 or france in 1789 it is a good thing if a fiscal crisis leads to political collapse .
- 要刺破这个已经溃烂的公怒之疖,光靠一尊奥斯卡金像或是愤怒的演讲可远远不够。
- It will take far more than an Oscar statuette or angry speech to prick this putrid boil of resentment .
- 板栗腐烂由生理病变和微生物侵染所致.
- Physiological diseases and microbial infection make Chinese chestnut putrid .
- 中华鳖腐皮病的病原研究
- Study on pathogen of putrid skin disease of soft-shelled turtle
- 在13岁时嫁给她年长的叔叔,她忍受着在精神上受限和家庭的颓废堕落。
- Married to her ageing uncle at 13 , she endures a life of mental confinement amid the decadent corruption of her family .
- 此外,我是一个颓废的、第二代的书呆子,所以我就去了书店。
- On top of that , I am a decadent , second-generation book nerd so I head to the bookshop .
- 后来,他指责瓦格纳在其最后的歌剧《帕西发尔》中又回到“颓废的基督教价值观”去了。
- Later he accused wagner of returning to " decadent christian values " in his last opera parcival .