- 他们论述到,若是公立学校或公共住房腐朽了,就应该鼓励人们逃脱这些。
- If public schools or public housing were rotten , they argued , people should be encouraged to escape them .
- 他们相信,通过对语言的清洗,扫除腐朽的思想,真理和理性就会最终取得胜利。
- Purge the language of rotten thinking , they believed , and truth and reason would prevail at last .
- 有时,如果一国政府确实已经腐朽比如1989年的东德或1789年的法国那么财政危机导致政治崩溃就是一件好事。
- Sometimes , if a government is truly rotten east germany in 1989 or france in 1789 it is a good thing if a fiscal crisis leads to political collapse .
- 管道因腐蚀形成的洞口不仅会导致开采意外关停,损失数百万美元,更会对生命、大气及环境造成严重威胁。
- A hole in a corroded pipe can cause not only an unscheduled shutdown , costing millions of dollars , but also a grave risk to life , limb and the environment .
- 家庭维持其高负债水平的能力将被高失业和低收入增长所侵蚀。
- The ability of households to service their high debts is corroded by high unemployment rates and sluggish income growth .
- 简单的检查后,牙医惊叫道:“天哪!六个月前我装进你嘴里的假牙托已经基本上腐蚀了!你到底吃了些什么?”
- After a brief examination , the dentist exclaims , " holy smoke ! That plate I installed in your mouth about six months ago has nearly completely corroded ! What on earth have you been eating ? "
- 妈,等尸体腐烂之后能把骨头挖出来吗?
- Mom , when it rots , can we dig up the bones ?
- 星球大战腐烂19帕德美阿米达拉。
- Star wars rots 19 padme amidala .
- 以色列有种说法很好的总结了这些事件:鱼总是从头开始腐烂的。
- There is an israeli expression that a fish rots from the head down .