- 一个苏打水罐在自行车踏板下滚动就可以引发一场意外。
- Accidents can occur while driving because a soda can rolled under the brake pedal .
- 事后的调查发现,加速踏板上有一块被融化的地垫。
- An inspection after the accident found the floor mat melted on the accelerator pedal .
- 他要先骑到街尾再骑到市郊,然后直接骑出加州市。
- First he would pedal to the end of his block and then to the outskirt of town and then right out of the state of california .
- 一棵桉树现在有50英尺高了。
- One eucalyptus is now 50 foot tall .
- 这是否反映了一种荒诞的脚崇拜?
- Does it reflect a weird foot fetish ?
- 这些瓷砖每平方英尺的价格为291美元。
- These tiles cost $ 291 per square foot .
- 你的脚应该平放在地板上或用一个脚凳支持。
- Your feet should be flat on the floor or supported by a footrest .
- 固定短扶手、固定搁脚。
- L fixed desk armrest , fixed footrest .
- 提高脚凳的时候,降低躺椅的靠背。
- Lower the backrest of your recliner when raising the footrest .