- 另一个中心,约翰逊岭天文台,取而代之的,但它是可以在温暖个月。
- Another center , the johnson ridge observatory , replaced it , but it is open only in the warm months .
- 他们的房屋朴素而美丽,坐落在山脊上俯瞰村子。
- Perched on a ridge overlooking the village , theirs is simple but beautiful .
- 因此查理兰格尔翻过了山脊,找到了他惊恐的战友们。
- So he crawled over a ridge , where he found his comrades panicking .
- 脊椎中的骨骼密度是最先降低的。
- Bone mineral density in the spine decreases first .
- 你对脊椎做核磁共振检查的时候,往往会发现椎间盘突出。
- If you mri the spine you will often find prolapsed discs .
- 一个头盔,用线和一个盆骨套相连,让我的脖子和脊椎有种抽筋的感觉。
- A helmet , attached by cords to a pelvic harness , cramps my neck and spine .
- 这个问题构成了本次特别报道的骨干。
- That question forms the backbone of this special report .
- 该家族是该国极具影响力的逊尼派骨干成员。
- The family is part of the country 's power-broking sunni backbone .
- 很显然,soa的天然角色,是作为任何新出现的内部云的骨干。
- Clearly a natural role for soa , which will be the backbone of any emerging internal clouds .
- 为何火热:你背部脊椎骨的一小块(位于臀部的正上方)含有骶骨神经,它能够向你的生殖器直接发射信息,马可迈克尔和派翠卡强生说,他俩是《性爱秘术》的合著者。
- Sacrum ( on you ) why it 's hot : the vertebrae in the small of your back ( right above your buttocks ) contain sacral nerves , which shoot straight to your genitals , say mark michaels and patricia johnson , coauthors of the essence of tantric sexuality .
- 另外,听说它们的椎骨是可以收缩的还是怎么的。
- Plus , they got collapsible vertebrae or some deal .
- 这些碎片导致椎骨的崩溃,而月久年深这个有着骨质疏松症的人就会变得驼背或是弯腰。
- These breaks cause collapse of the vertebrae and over time the person with osteoporosis can become hunched over or stooped .
- 铺天盖地的白令人眩晕的高,这片几近安第斯山顶的大盐湖很容易被当成萨尔瓦多达利的油画。
- Blindingly white and dizzyingly high , this vast salt flat near the crest of the andes could easily be mistaken for a salvador dali painting .
- 这种鸡的独特头冠指向前方,好似阿彭策尔地区女士穿戴的传统服饰中的软帽。
- The unique crest points forward like the bonnets on the traditional costume bonnets worn by the ladies in the appenzellerland region .
- 每到山顶他也会把身体向前探过去。
- He lurched forward whenever we reached the crest of a hill .
- 千万别碰那机器。
- Never touch the ma chine .
- 以弗所书向信的人所显的能力何等浩大。
- Ephesians how mighty power to those whom believe chine .
- 台北君品酒店独居匠心的刷牙用品。
- Jun chine hotel , taipei ingenuity brushing alone supplies .