- 忆往昔,心底在蠢蠢欲动,笑容还脉脉含情。
- Recalling the past , my heart in ready to smile very much enamored .
- 野生动物纪录片制作者应该尊重动物们比如这些多情的两栖动物的隐私吗?
- Should wildlife documentary makers respect the privacy of creatures like these amorous amphibians ?
- 那篇文章说多莉属于多情的类型,而且她喜欢像蓝领工人一样结实的男人。
- The article stated that dolly was an amorous type , and that she liked burly , blue-collar kinds of men .
- 他常常吹嘘自己的风流艳史,他有过至少五次婚姻,并生下了14个孩子。
- He often boasted of his amorous adventures , and fathered 14 children from at least five marriages .