- 但是埃塞俄比亚自身则像是一个易碎的组织。
- But ethiopia itself is a brittle political construct .
- 钨是一种坚硬易碎的灰色金属。
- Tungsten is a hard , brittle grey metal .
- 图形用户界面在移动设备中尤其脆弱。
- Guis are really brittle on mobile devices .
- 当然,苹果又脆又新鲜,橙子冰凉多汁,不过有时候人们想要吃一种没那么多水分却又具有绵密口感的水果。
- Sure , apples are crisp and refreshing , and oranges are cooling and juicy , but sometimes you want a fruit with less water and more creaminess .
- 烘烤6-8分钟直至面皮酥脆、呈金棕色。
- Bake for 6 to 8 minutes or until golden brown and crisp .
- 他移动床那边自己的另一条腿,这样他就能坐在我的正前方了,清新的百人眼睛离我仅仅几英寸远。
- He swung his legs over the side of the bed so that he was sitting up straight in front of me , the crisp whites of his eyes just inches from mine .
- 经济增长还很脆弱。
- The gains are still fragile .
- 这种方法被证明是很脆弱的,有若干原因。
- This approach turned out to be fragile , for several reasons .
- 在经济恢复仍旧脆弱的背景下,这绝不是什么小事。
- That is no small matter while the recovery remains so fragile .
- 但是,硅的脆性也限制了其应用范围。
- But the brittleness of silicon limits its uses .
- 但是,硅的易碎性也限制了其应用范围。
- Still , the brittleness of silicon limits its uses .
- 红细胞还具有渗透脆性和悬浮稳定性。
- Red blood cell still is had permeate brittleness and suspension stability .
- 这里的脆片又薄又脆。
- The chips here are so light and crispy .
- 最新的报价已经是他们在腌好的热点和脆。
- The latest they have on offer is the marinated hot and crispy .
- 一般来说,它的果实是深绿色,脆脆的水分很充足,果肉也多,在中心积聚着很多小小的可以吃的种子。
- In general , the fruit features dark green skin , crispy moisture rich flesh , and small edible seeds concentrated at its center .