- 反毛主义者否定和平协议,而自6月份起,议会就一直陷于选举新首相的僵局。
- Anti-maoists are challenging the peace agreements while parliament has been deadlocked since june over the election of a new prime minister .
- 直到这期《经济学人》出版,参议院的领导权都一直处于混乱状态,会议厅处于僵局并且所有法案都悬而未决。
- As the economist went to press , the senate leadership is in chaos , the chamber is deadlocked and all legislation is in limbo .
- 同样,就算是netanyahu先生获胜,奥巴马先生也不能就此下结论说这场冲突已陷入僵局因此现在无事可做了。
- By the same token , even if it is mr netanyahu who triumphs , mr obama must resist the temptation to conclude that the conflict is deadlocked and nothing can be done for now .
- 旋流聚结的机理及应用。
- Theory and application of coalescence in hydrocyclone .
- 不同的聚合物颗粒聚结在第二阶段逐步完成。
- The coalescence of distinct polymer particles is completed gradually in the second stage .
- 研究了乳化剂用量对搅打稀奶油的乳浊液粒度分布、脂肪球部分聚结、液相蛋白浓度、感官品质和泡沫稳定性的影响。
- Effects of emulsifier levels on particle size distribution of emulsion of whipped cream , partial coalescence of fat globule , protein concentration in the aqueous phase , sensory quality and foam stability were studied .
- 有僵硬的特性或与之相关的。
- Relating to or characteristic of the abnormality ankylosis .
- 颞下颌关节强直继发牙颌面畸形的外科矫治。
- Surgical correction for the dentofacial deformities following temporomandibular joint ankylosis .
- 总结颞颌关节强直关节成型术后小颌畸形的临床矫治经验。
- Objective to summarize the clinical experience in micrognathia correction after arthroplasty of tempromandibular joint ankylosis .
- 现在的僵局给政府造成了损失。
- The stalemate is taking a toll on government .
- 因此,目前的僵局可能会持续一段时间。
- Thus , the present stalemate might continue for some time .
- 要说利比亚的战局已经陷入一场僵局还为时尚早。
- It is too soon to talk about a stalemate in libya .