- 评论一本小说的时候,你应想办法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。
- In review a novel , you shall try to titillate rather than satiatethe reader 's interest .
- 如果能正确选择和穿着内衣的感官和蒋纬国径伙伴野生你!
- Lingerie if chosen and worn correctly can titillate the senses and drive your partner wild !
- 一些艺术收藏品,称为“枕边书”,是留给新婚夫妇作为入门指导,但是这些艺术品的主要目的明显表露出来就是要激起性欲。
- Some collections of artwork , termed ' pillow books ' were given to newly married couples as instruction guides , but the main purpose of the artwork does appear to have been to titillate .