- 不过梅博士解释说,运动锻炼释放的某些激素确实能通过胎盘传递,而且能够刺激胎儿心脏发育方面的变化。
- But certain hormones released during exercise do cross the placenta , dr. may said , and could be stimulating changes in the developing fetus 's heart .
- 在怀孕的后期,带有猕(rh)阳性细胞的少量的婴儿血液能够悄然穿过胎盘并进入其母亲的血流。
- During late pregnancy , the baby 's blood with positive rhesus ( rh ) could enter the mother 's blood by crossing the placenta .
- 白血病细胞通过胎盘由28岁的母亲传给了未出生的婴儿。
- Leukaemia cells had crossed the placenta and spread from the 28-year-old mother to her unborn baby .