- 2006年,由于德国禁止进行胚胎试验,他转至纽卡斯尔大学。
- He moved to newcastle in 2006 because embryo experiments are banned in germany .
- 他们现在正尝试着将此胚胎植入一个宿主动物中。
- They are now trying toimplant the embryo into a host animal .
- 即使大体上妇女会吃得更多,但单一的营养摄入可能不利于男胎儿的生长。
- And although women may be eating more overall , a nutrient-poor diet could be less favorable to a male embryo .
- 路上的一个钉子把车胎刺破了。
- A nail on the road puncutured the tyre .
- 在冬日骑车上班的一天,欣然的车胎轧了。
- Cycling to work one winter 's day , xinran has a flat tyre .
- 正常的胎内压强值标注在车胎外侧。
- The correct pressure is written on the side of the tyre .
- 它的诞生纯属偶然。
- The birth had been accidental .
- 各国间关于在家分娩的观点也很不同。
- Views on home birth vary widely between countries .
- 孕妇分娩时也可能感染婴儿。
- Mothers can infect babies at birth .
- 雌激素帮助大动脉保持张开状态,将含氧富足的血液运向胎儿。
- Oestrogen helps to keep open the main artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the foetus .
- 科学家发现,癌症能由母亲传递给胎儿。
- Scientists have found that cancer can be passed from mother to foetus .
- 她与胎儿的照片在网络上披露后引起了广泛的谴责。
- Photos showing her with the foetus caused widespread condemnation when they were leaked on the web .
- 卡车左前方的轮胎炸得飞出一个足球场那么远。
- Thetruck 's front left tire landed in a rice paddy a football field away .
- 轮胎是男性:他会变秃,而且经常过度膨胀了。
- A tire is male - it goes bald and it is often over-inflated .
- 政府希望法国人逐渐厌烦抗议,逐渐减少对罢工的支持。
- The government is hoping that the french will tire of protesting , and that support for the strikes will ebb .
- 这案件那时正在调查。
- The case was being investigated .
- 那就是特殊相对论。
- The special theory of relativity .
- 那面墙看起来很空!
- The wall looks so empty !