- 那么,大型企业也是如此。
- So too does an enterprise .
- 以前吞噬灵魂的工作至少会是一种可以指望的安全又有利可图的事业。
- Soul-sucking work was at least once a dependably secure and profitable enterprise .
- 我接受这个奖项,这个授予所致力于文学事业的人的奖项。
- I accept it as an honor to all those committed to the enterprise of literature .
- 在很多方面,我们的大胆想象拓宽了可能性的疆界。
- In many ways , our audacity to imagine helps push the boundaries of possibility .
- 那天下午是史蒂夫,他谈论了爱、能量、无畏以及论据。
- Steve gave a presentation in the afternoon about love , energy , audacity and proof .
- 自巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)去年11月当选美国总统以来,股市见证了一场无畏希望的胜利。
- Since barack obama was elected us president in november , stocks have witnessed a triumph for the audacity of hope .