- 这种混合状态将存在于所有后代中。
- That mix will remain in any descendants .
- 我们是他们的后代。
- We are all their descendants .
- 这些恒星都是那些最早期的恒星的直接后裔吗?
- Are these stars the direct descendants of the very first stars ?
- 比如说,一只长颈鹿之所以会长出长长的脖子是因为它能够吃到其他长颈鹿吃不到的食物,而它的后代就会继承这项特质。
- A giraffe , for example , might grow a longer neck because it was useful for eating food that other giraffes could not reach . Its progeny would then inherit the attribute .
- 油桃则是李子和桃子杂种的后代。
- Nectarines are the progeny of a cross between a plum and a peach .
- 但如果新改造过的细胞能够生长繁殖,细胞后代的性状将由植入的染色体而不是由母细胞的染色体决定。
- But if the newly reconstituted cell were able to grow and reproduce , the nature of its progeny would be dictated by the implanted chromosome .
- 后代也会非一般的大和重。
- Offspring can also be unusually large and heavy .
- 肥胖的雄性老鼠更容易产下不健康的后代。
- Obese male mice tend to sire unhealthy offspring .
- 不履行赡养义务的子女会遭到谴责,有时会受到法律惩罚。
- Offspring who shirk their responsibilities are met with scorn - and sometimes legal judgments .
- 这种混合状态将存在于所有后代中。
- That mix will remain in any descendants .
- 我们是他们的后代。
- We are all their descendants .
- 这些恒星都是那些最早期的恒星的直接后裔吗?
- Are these stars the direct descendants of the very first stars ?