- 无论是螺旋杆菌感染还是解酸剂引起的胃酸减少,都会使其余的胃肠道容易受到细菌繁殖的感染。
- Reduced stomach acid , whether from an h.pylori infection or an antacid , makes the rest of the gastrointestinal tract susceptible to bacterial overgrowth .
- 在二十世纪初期,人们认为溃疡是由压力和过度的胃酸引起的,告诉患者多休息,多吃清淡食品。
- In the early 20th century , ulcers were thought to be caused by stress and excess stomach acid , and sufferers were told to rest and eat bland food .
- 当胃酸向上流入食道,就会导致胃灼热(也叫胃酸反流)。
- When stomach acid splashes up into the esophagus , it causes heartburn ( also known as acid reflux ) .