- 然而,潜在的土壤也许是肥沃的。
- Yet the underlying ground may be fertile .
- 尽管委内瑞拉有着广大富饶的土地,却成为了一个食品净进口国。
- Venezuela , despite its vast fertile lands , became a net food importer .
- 但它需要远离海岸,特别是路易斯安娜生态脆弱却又富饶多产的湿地。
- But it needs to be kept away from the coasts , particularly the fragile , fertile louisiana marshes .
- 即便有钱人也会受伤害。
- Even rich people can hurt .
- 富有的捐赠者决定着选举么?
- Do rich donors decide elections ?
- 德国的有钱人还真不少。
- There are many rich germans .