- 过去30年中肥料的使用成倍增加了作物产量。
- Fertilizer use has exponentially increased crop yields in the past 30 years .
- 2009年,一场类似的远洋科考实验则失败,尽管倾泻更加丰富的铁肥、覆盖南冰洋更加辽阔的区域。
- A similar cruise and experiment in 2009 failed despite dumping even more iron fertilizer over an even larger area of the southern ocean .
- 肥料项目就像被溺爱的孩子,不断从其它项目里吸取资源。
- The fertilizer program has been a jealous child , sucking resources away from other programs .
- 他想用肥料种地而不是用从石油和天然气中提炼的化学成分。
- He plans to fertilise his fields with manure , rather than chemicals derived from oil and natural gas .
- 虽然直接污染并不普遍,但粪肥成分也能影响饮用水的水质。
- Though direct contamination is not common , components of manure can also affect drinking water quality .
- 对很多农民来说,粪肥的优势不可能被贬低到一堆白色粉末的。
- For many farmers , the goodness of manure could not be reduced to a white powder .