- 宽容,但只限于犹太教徒与基督教?
- Tolerance of jews and christians only ?
- 对这种行为绝对要采取零容忍的态度。
- Such behavior should be treated with zero tolerance .
- 女性对于疼痛的容忍力比男性强吗?
- Do women have a higher pain tolerance than men ?
- 然而伊斯兰宗教法庭对一位持有国际驾照驾驶汽车的女子判处严酷的惩罚,而在沙特阿拉伯还没有正式的法律条文禁止妇女驾驶汽车,这似乎成了对国王慷慨授权的质疑。
- Yet the harsh shariacourt ruling , penalising a woman for sitting at the wheel of a car although she holds an international licence , despite the fact that no formal law bans saudi women from driving , seemed to question the king 's magnanimity .
- 如今,展示宽容的时刻到了:战场上胜局已定,现在应该组建一个属于全体利比亚人的政府,其中要包括亲卡扎菲的派别,还有一直认为自己没有得到充分代表的柏柏尔人。
- Now is the time for an act of magnanimity : now its battlefield success is secure , it should form a government of all libyans , including clans close to gaddafi and berber groups who have felt under-represented .
- 因为他订立了宽宏大量的重建计划。
- Because of the magnanimity of his plans for reconstruction .