- 煲着的牛肚的汤锅是如何做到看上去那么邪恶,而吃起来却那么美味?
- How can a simmering tureen of tripe stock look so evil , yet smell so good ?
- 不管他喜欢辣子鸡丁还是炖牛肚,去网上找个菜谱,试着给他做一份。
- Whether he likes chicken enchiladas or tripe stew look up a recipe online and give it a whirl .
- 躲在红色可口可乐太阳伞下的游客们,一边端着盘子吃着牛肚和鸡肉咖喱,一边欣赏着院子那边身着盛装的部落歌手的吟唱。
- Tourists , hiding from the sun under red coca-cola umbrellas , pick at plates of tripe or chicken curry as the voices of costumed tribal singers drift across a patio .
- 她的肚子看上去跟我的差不多。
- Her stomach looks like mine .
- 她的胃很疼,从来没有这么疼过。
- Her stomach had never hurt so much .
- 特伦斯的胃痉挛痛已经持续了数周。
- Terence had been having stomach cramps for weeks .
- 我把我的一只手搁在了肚子上。
- I rested a hand on my belly .
- 芭芭拉伊甸园的肚子激发你不少。
- Barbara eden 's belly excites you enormously .
- 仰卧起坐能减去腹部的脂肪吗?
- Can you reduce belly fat with sit-ups ?
- 今天我的医生告诉我,我有一只内生睾丸长在肚子里。
- Today , my doctor told me that I have an ingrown testicle lodged in my abdomen .
- 这也是为什么睾丸生长在腹腔外的理由。
- The testes live outside of the abdomen for a good reason .
- 肚子肿胀、疼痛或者恶心、呕吐
- Have a painful or swollen abdomen , nausea or vomiting