- 下面是一张肌肉的示意图。
- Here is a diagram of a muscle .
- 企业如何处理融资问题一定程度上取决于政府的力量强弱。
- How firms cope with this funding crunch depends partly on their government 's muscle .
- 但是利益的冲突和军事力量的匮乏是这一想法搁置了下来。
- But conflicting interests and lack of military muscle are putting the idea on hold .
- 那曾啃噬我肉体的吻。
- The kiss that ate my flesh .
- 那商人身上一磅肉是你的。
- A pound of that same merchant 's flesh is yours .
- 美极了的肉直到只剩下那诚实的骨头。
- Fantastic flesh down to the honest bone .
- 但注意别露出太多肌肤。
- But beware of too much skin .
- 它也能帮助消除干燥的肌肤。
- It also helps heal dry skin .
- 给皮肤敷些冷水降温。
- Apply cool water to skin .