- 这种综合效应使轻信加剧。
- The combined effect strained credulity .
- 利伯曼在联合竞选中的地位仅次于总理,位列第二。
- Mr lieberman is second on the combined slate , after the prime minister .
- 这两项措施综合运用实际上是制造经济泡沫的一剂经典配方。
- Combined , these policies are the classic recipe for a bubble .
- 共同监护还能减少家庭纷争。
- Joint custody also reduces family strife .
- 法国早就拥有一个联合审计体制。
- France has long had a joint audit system .
- 但共同及连带责任无疑会提高安全性。
- But joint and several liability would certainly make things safer .
- 与任何类似运动的联合都是危险的。
- Union with similar movements is dangerous .
- 然而这次工会运动存在着分歧。
- But the union movement is split .
- 而工会对薪资限制恨之入骨。
- That is anathema to the union .
- 印度语连印度都团结不了。
- Hindi does not even unite india .
- 凭什么要让一个无法团结全国的人连任呢?
- Why re-elect a man who has failed to unite americans ?
- 在二十世纪七十年代,他试图把利比亚和其他阿拉伯国家联合起来。
- During the nineteen seventies , he tried to unite libya with other arab countries .