- 这个应该是工商局中工作人员的个人行为吧,工商局是不会承认的。应该是那个个人承担刑事责任。
- This individual behavior that should be the staff member in industrial and commercial bureau , industrial and commercial bureau is won 't approbatory . Should be then each person assumes criminal responsibility .
- 现场几位负责的工作人员更是忙得满头大汗,如临大敌。
- The staff member that the spot is in charge of a few times is more busy sweating , if face archenemy .
- 然而,送他出去的银行职员发现他的口袋里露出一把刀,而且他的裤子上还有血迹。
- However , the staff member escorting the man out of the bank noticed the knife sticking out of his pocket and a bloodstain on his trousers .
- 他举手向天,随后又指了指查看其农田的国家公务员。
- He raised his hands to the sky then gestured toward a state functionary visiting his farm .
- 世界上的穷人们最为愤怒的是那些随便腐败的精英们,而不是那些薪水少,想要收取“小费”的士兵和公务员。
- Poor people the world over are most infuriated by the casual corruption of the elites rather than by the underpaid , " tip " - seeking soldier or functionary .
- 从与研究同事们一道审查原始实验数据,到主持政府公务员的碰头会,支撑这种角色转变的关键在于沃尔考从药物滥用研究所研究经历中所得到的启示:只有实实在在的科学才能为政策提供支持。
- Her days now veer from reviewing raw laboratory data with her research colleagues to leading the back-to-back meetings of a government functionary but the two roles are joined by the mantra of her time at the institute : policy should be grounded in valid science .