- 而全国的其他邮局恐怕将彻底倒闭了.
- Other post offices round the country may close down completely .
- 在德里的一席诱人的内阁职位可以为此锦上添花。
- A tempting cabinet post in delhi would sweeten the deal .
- 里斯本条约设立了一个新的职位:欧盟理事会主席。
- The lisbon treaty creates a new post of an eu president .
- 缓慢减除工作压力。
- Decompress off the job .
- 通往更好职业的障碍之一是他们的父母。
- One obstacle to a better job is their parents .
- 这一次任务更加艰巨。
- Its job this time is harder .
- 最近,他将跑关节的任务交给了一个年轻同事。
- Recently , he had turned over the entertainment duties to a younger colleague .
- 我们履行了自己的职责吗?
- Did we perform our duties ?
- 反倾销关税一般都是馊主意。
- Anti-dumping duties are generally a bad idea .
- 根据传统,非洲国王没有政治职能。
- Traditionally african kings had no political function .
- 警察治安职能是地方和中央首要的职能。
- The police function is primarily local and central .
- 音乐家们提供同样的功能。
- Playlists serve the same function .
- 多么了不起的职位头衔!
- What a marvellous job title !
- 但当时还没有题目。
- But not yet a title .
- 每个网页上的标题都是非常重要的。
- The title of each web page is important .
- 作为一名律师有责任为客户保密。
- A lawyer has a duty of confidentiality .
- 你有责任抚养儿女直至大学毕业。
- Your duty to put your offspring through college .
- 同时,他宣布将在较大范围内缩减用税。
- He also announced duty reductions on a wide range of items .