- 他用游戏内置的聊天程序写道。
- He wrote through an in-game chat program .
- 当和别人进行即时通讯时,一定要问一下现在是否是交谈的好时机。
- When instant-messaging , always ask if now is a good time to chat .
- 你要去莫斯科,想和当地人一起喝一杯卡布奇诺并且交谈一番吗?
- Visiting moscow and looking to meet up with a local for cappuccino and a chat ?
- 一些专家对严重依赖听写的教学法提出了批评。
- Some experts criticize teaching methods that depend heavily on dictation .
- 它是不是依靠陌生人的仁慈才存在的?
- Does it depend upon the kindness of strangers ?
- 但这将需要依靠建立可持续的商业模式来鼓励网络在世界最贫穷的地区传播。
- But that will depend upon finding sustainable business models to encourage its spread in the poorest parts of the world .
- 他们的不幸才刚刚开始。
- Their woes were just beginning .
- 谁的飞艇刚刚爆炸了?
- And whose airship just exploded ?
- 亚洲的痛苦还只是刚刚开始。
- Asian pain is just starting .
- 此事证实了乐观主义的持久而不是协调性的短暂。
- The event proved long on optimism but rather short on coherence .
- 我宁可你现在就知道这件事,而不是以后。
- Eg. I 'd rather you know that now than afterwards .
- 这部分就相当于一把双刃剑。
- That section is rather double-edged .
- 海蒂的眼睛里闪着快乐的光芒。
- Heidi 's eyes shone with delight .
- 我高兴的发表了这个理论。
- And I published it with great delight .
- 让我高兴的是他现在能走路了。
- To my delight , he can walk now .
- 在互联网上视频聊天并不是新东西。
- Video chatting through the web isn 't new .
- 伍迪坐着没动,继续跟我亲切的聊天。
- Woody sat unmoving , chatting amiably .
- 总理阮晋勇是无处不在,与人聊天找机会。
- Prime minister nguyen tan dung is everywhere , chatting up the opportunities .
- 它所依靠的是人们在市场和酒馆中的闲聊,或者朋友之间的书信往来。
- It travelled as people chatted in marketplaces and taverns or exchanged letters with their friends .
- 我们喝了一种特别好喝的家酿酒,闲聊着各自的生活直到深夜。
- We drank a particularly moreish home brew and chatted late into the night about life in our respective countries .
- 五辆摩托车停在外面,武装人员或者闲聊,或者摆弄他们的移动电话和枪支。
- Five motorcycles were parked outside , and gunmen chatted and fiddled with their phones and guns .