- 她生气地拧紧水龙头。
- She twisted the tap angrily .
- 缝上白色的缎带有助于表现从水龙头里流淌出来的水。
- White satin ribbons are sewn on to help express the flow of tap water .
- 水龙头里的水是最好的,因为含有有益矿物质,例如氟化物。
- Tap water is best because it contains helpful minerals like fluoride .
- 我对于chrome最大的不满之一就是它缺少处理标签页溢出的问题。
- One of my biggest complaints with chrome is the lack of tab overflow handling .
- 纳税人的这笔费用会是特别巨大---因为前列腺癌是美国男性中最常见的一种癌症。
- The tab for taxpayers could be huge - prostate is the most common cancer in american men .
- 要在url文本框输入字符,用户必须点击某个浏览器标签。
- To access the url textbox the user has to click a browser tab .