- 沙特每年人均消耗35.1桶。
- The saudis consume 35.1 barrels each .
- 住得面积变小可以减少消耗呢?
- Consume less by living smaller ?
- 欧洲人每年石油消费量大约为12桶。
- European citizens consume roughly 12 barrels a year .
- 那样的教育会花费多少钱?
- How much will that cost ?
- 它的建造耗资260亿美元。
- It s construction cost $ 26 billion .
- 所有这一切正在进行的活动都耗资巨大。
- All this activity comes at tremendous cost .
- 你现在混日子,小心将来日子混了你。
- Now you dawdle , be careful in the future a mixed day you .
- 还是那个售货员,男子又与她磨蹭了半天,结果还是不得不回家把猫带来才买到了猫食。
- Or that salesman , man and she dawdle along while , result still had to go home to bring the cat cat food to buy .
- 商业游说团体、隐私保护的积极分子和管理者之间的对话至少会产生非法规的准则,但由于没有立法的紧迫威胁,一些公司还可继续混日子。
- Talks among business lobbies , privacy activists and regulators may at least produce non-statutory codes , though without the imminent threat of legislation some companies may dawdle .