- 轮耕对双季稻田土壤结构及水贮量的影响。
- Effects of rotational tillage treatments on soil structure and water storage in double rice cropping region .
- 摘要依据在陕西安塞进行的田间试验,研究了黄土丘陵旱农区传统翻耕和免耕及化肥和有机肥对玉米光合速率和气孔导度的影响。
- According to the filed experiments in ansai , shaanxi , this article referred to the influence of conventional tillage , no-tillage , fertilizer and organic fertilizer on photosynthesis and stomata conductance of maize in hilly and gully arid region of loess plateau .
- 通过对土壤容重、土壤含水量、土壤田间持水量及产量的测定和分析,研究了深松少耕技术对土壤物理性状、水分利用率、土壤蓄水能力及玉米产量的影响。
- According to the mensuration and analysis of soil permit heaviness , soil moisture , soil maximum moisture and the yield , the effects of subsoiling and fewer tillage on soil physical characters , water use efficiency , soil conservation storage competence and maize yield were studied .
- 该公司正在测试不同的温度及酸度水平下的各种藻类栽培技术。
- It is testing cultivation techniques using varying temperatures and acidity levels .
- 法国和意大利北部的基督教僧侣将他们的酿酒实践和葡萄的栽培记载了下来。
- Christian monks of france and northern italy kept records of their wine making practices and grape cultivation .
- 到20世纪中叶,只有一棵圣赫勒拿岛红杉幸存,而这一棵树是今天所有已知的栽培红杉的来源。
- By the mid 20th century , only one redwood survived and this single tree is the source of all the redwoods known in cultivation today .
- 让别人知道这种残酷的养殖方式。
- Educate others about cruel farming practices .
- 养殖技术和技巧也往往是过时的。
- Farming skills and technology are often outdated .
- 在农业生产中也发生了同样的事情。
- The same thing happened with farming .
- 青海湖盆地退耕还草的必要性及对策。
- Necessity and countermemeasvre of withdrawing tilth and sowingin qinghai lake basin .
- 他回答,他说,这是一个牛,犁不碎到地上或灌溉的耕地,没有一个声音在她的污点之一。
- He answered , he saith , it is a cow , not broken in to plough the earth or irrigate the tilth , a sound one with no blemish on her .
- 在耕地种植苜蓿对当地水资源状况几乎无影响,但利用荒地种植苜蓿加剧了当地水资源紧缺程度,影响苜蓿产业及其它种植业的可持续性发展。
- The effect of planting alfalfa on tilth in the water-short degree of local place was also little , but planting alfalfa on badlands pricked up the pressure of agriculture water resource , it would affect the sustainable development of alfalfa industry and others planting industry .