- 随后他就填写了支票单。
- Then he wrote the check .
- 我能不能在这兑支票?
- Can I cash a check here ?
- 拿到了我那本书的第一张版税支票!
- Got my first royalty check for my book !
- 了解阻碍你的究竟为何检查过去的失败。
- Be aware of barriers - examine past failures .
- 不仅要审查人口和地理区域,而且要考虑设计或编辑风格。
- Examine not only demographics and geographic areas , but also programming or editorial style .
- 欧美监管部门应利用ita交易,对这一问题进行全面审查。
- European and us regulators should use the ita deal to examine the issue broadly .
- 在公共和私人部门鼓励优秀的方式,都是正确地激励和评估,不会人为地制造好人和坏人。
- The way to encourage strong performance in public and private sectors alike is to motivate and appraise people properly , without creating sheep and goats .
- 需要他们能够分析、评价并解释经济数据和政府项目,当然也包括建议和规划国家经济政策。
- They must be qualified to analyze , appraise and interpret economic data and government programs , as well as formulate and recommend national economic policy .
- 他死后,长着一头“短短的、有主见的、知性的”头发的哲学家艾丽卡,从悉尼派来评价安迪尔的工作。
- After he dies , erica , a philosopher whose hair is " short , determined , academic " , is sent from sydney to appraise his work .