- 展览的魅力在于它把历史和考古结合起来,配以当代的图像和故事(展品中甚至还包括飞机票)给予公众直接、可理解的宗教体验感。
- Its power lies in the way it brings together history and archaeology with contemporary images and stories ( even plane tickets are included ) to give an immediate , graspable sense of religious experience .
- 许多人在洞穴壁画的发现之前,完全没有意识到的考古学存在和意义。
- Many were completely unaware of the existence and significance of archaeology before the discovery of the cave paintings .
- 考古学和古生物学也在环境保护范畴之内,这两个领域非常依赖国际志愿者的力量。
- Archaeology and palaeontology also come under the conservation banner and are two fields that rely heavily on international volunteers .
- 由于他对洞穴有着浓厚的兴趣,他同时学习地质和考古,这些知识使他能够当即看出哥贝克力山丘不是自然天成,而是人造的。
- Because of his interest in caves , he studied geology as well as archeology , and this is why he could immediately identify g bekli tepe as a man-made rather than a natural formation .
- 伯明翰大学六周前宣布考古学不再颁发单科荣誉学位,因为“经证实该学科已不再能吸引足够多的合格报考者”。
- Birmingham had announced six weeks ago that single honours archeology would no longer be offered because ' it has proved unable to attract sufficient applicants of the appropriate quality ' .
- 来自特拉维夫大学考古研究院的艾维高菲教授和巴卡博士,上个星期在美国自然人类学杂志上发表文章说现代人并不是像之前想象的那样起源于非洲,而是中东。
- The findings of professor avi gopher and dr ran barkai of the institute of archeology at tel aviv university , published last week in the american journal of physical anthropology , suggest that modern man did not originate in africa as previously believed , but in the middle east .