- 有些人说步步高的好,说什么牌子老,信誉好。
- Some people say a good backgammon , saying that the old brand , good reputation .
- 这个150岁的品牌以其标志性的米黄色格子和风衣著称,现在已复兴成为高级时尚(highfashion)品牌。
- The 150-year-old brand , which is known for its trademark beige plaid and trenchcoats , has been resurrected as a high fashion label .
- 像小叮当,郁美静啊都是老牌子了,也都不错。
- Like the little ding-dong , yu mei jing ah are old brand , and are also good .
- 麦克莱伦此时年仅34岁。
- Mcclellan was thirty-four years old .
- 他们经过了一座旧房子。
- They passed an old house .
- 最佳结婚年龄是多少岁呢?
- How old is the best marriage ?