- 老头说:“我想和小自己30岁的女人生活在一起。”上帝又把手中的魔术棒一挥,哗,把老头变成了90岁。
- The old man says : " I think and small oneself wife of 30 years old lives together . " Sacred the magic club in handle one brandish , clang , turned the old man into 90 years old .
- 他们走进老人的窝棚,孩子拿起装在篮子里的钓索卷儿,还有鱼叉和鱼钩,老人把绕着帆的桅杆扛在肩上。
- When they reached the old man 's shack the boy took the rolls of line in the basket and the harpoon and gaff and the old man carried the mast with the furled sail on his shoulder .
- 眼看着老人步履蹒跚,老杨哥吆喝一家十几口围坐在老人身边,商议专职伺候的事。
- Watching the old man old yang ge teeter , call a dozen export around the old man , with full-time minister .
- 爸爸挽着我的胳膊。
- My father took my arm .
- 你能让自己不爱爸爸吗?
- Could you help loving father ?
- 那他父亲怎么做呢?
- What does his father do ?
- 爸爸挽着我的胳膊。
- My father took my arm .
- 你能让自己不爱爸爸吗?
- Could you help loving father ?
- 那他父亲怎么做呢?
- What does his father do ?