- 这种不平衡是本书的耻辱。
- This imbalance is a shame .
- 人们在羞耻之余,还深感困惑。
- Alongside the shame , there was a jolting bafflement .
- 我是从哪里的来这种奇怪的拥抱羞耻的观点?
- Where do I get this strange notion of embracing shame ?
- 公共交通问题是个耻辱。
- Public transport is a disgrace .
- 例如,在阿富汗作战中很少有美国的盟友援助,这对于美国来说是不光彩的,奥巴马应该承认这点。
- That so few of them help in afghanistan , for instance , is a disgrace , and he should say it loudly .
- 日本女人通常认为,嫁给外国人是一种耻辱。
- Japanese women usually believe marrying foreigners is a kind of disgrace .
- 有的地方把虫子视为美味,因为他们就是被灌输着这种意识养大的。
- There are societies that regard worms as a delicacy because that 's how they 've been raised .
- 该官员不愿透露姓名,因为此谈判很微妙。
- The officials requested anonymity because of the delicacy of the negotiations .
- 鲨鱼被捕杀因为它们的鱼鳍被用于做鱼翅汤一种亚洲的美味佳肴。
- Sharks are caught for their fins for use in shark fin soup , a delicacy in asia .
- 他越生气,越要对挨骂的人殷勤,请挨骂的人吃可口的茶点,并且慷慨有礼。
- The crosser he is the more assiduously he must ply the bollockee with dainty refreshments and lavish politeness .
- 但有一点是清楚地:英国的传统美味已被替代。
- One thing , however , is clear : the dainty sponge of british tradition has been usurped .
- 这款华奴礼服的每一项都是那么的细腻,从粉色色彩到缀满了绿色和白色绣花的薄纱表层,它所撒发出的冲击力是令人惊讶的。
- Everything is so delicate about this valentino gown , from the shell pink color and sheer layers to the dainty green and white embroidery . The impact it delivers took us by surprise .
- 有研究小组发现,一些女性可以很高兴地同她们甚至一点兴趣都没有的男性聊天和打情骂俏这势必会使那些羞怯而又自尊的人更加舌头打结。
- One group of researchers has found that some women chat happily and flirt , even if they have absolutely no interest in the man which is bound to make the bashful and proud even more tongue-tied .
- 白天奥巴马还参观了唐宁街,那里他的圆滑,自我批评与清晰的表达,使害羞的高登布朗首相也变得放松下来。
- Visiting downing street earlier in the day , mr obama was at once emollient , self-critical and articulate , in a way that put an initially bashful gordon brown at his ease .
- 此外,美联储不应羞于利用道德说教的最佳讲坛,就日益迫近的资产泡沫危险发出警告。
- In addition , the fed should not be bashful in using the bully pulpit of moral persuasion to warn against the impending dangers of asset bubbles .
- 你不在香港?那谁给我照顾小龙?
- You 're not in hong kong ? Then who 's looking after siu lung ?
- 有没有对小敏说过?
- Have you said it with siu min ?
- 今天是替小敏庆祝生日!
- Today is siu min 's birthday !