- 后者最强力的武器就是完全地漠视前者最珍视的东西:人的生命。
- The latter 's strongest weapon is the complete disregard for what the former cherishes most : human life .
- 任何国家脱离欧元区都会助长欧洲怀疑论情绪,鼓动成员国政府无视单一市场规则。
- Any country 's departure from the euro would fuel eurosceptic sentiment , encouraging governments to disregard single market rules .
- 那些无视主要工业国对来自盈余国家的资本流动的依赖的政策,将起到不好的作用。
- Policies that disregard the dependence of major industrial nations on financial flows from surplus countries will be counter-productive .