- 尼尔森杰克比和同事们首先计算出这种晶格的傅里叶变换从而得到了它的倒晶格。
- Nilsson jacobi and colleagues first calculated the fourier transform of the lattice , which gives its reciprocal lattice .
- 在降温后,该点阵能够把氧气从包括水和二氧化碳等物质的周边化学元素中分离出来。
- When cooled the lattice strips oxygen from surrounding chemicals , including water and co2 in the reactor .
- engheta和vakil的研究展示了如何运用石墨薄膜(单原子厚度的碳原子点阵)来实现变换光学。
- Engheta and vakil 's research shows how transformation optics might now be achieved using graphene , a lattice of carbon a single atom thick .
- 为什么奶奶不去上社会网呢?
- Why doesn 't grandma social network ?
- 首先是拖延已久的地铁交通网。
- The first is a long-delayed metro network .
- 为亚洲人准备了亚洲网络。
- Asians got the asian network .
- 简于是把铁栅拧回到原来的位置上。
- Jane then screwed the grille back into place .
- 从车顶衬拆卸扬声器风栅。
- Remove the speaker grille from the headliner .
- 该品牌于本月发布了首款宝骏630家庭轿车,明年年初面向特约经销商上市时,其骏马标志将会出现在车头的通风格栅上。
- The baojun 630 family sedan , the brand 's first car unveiled earlier this month , will sport the horse logo on its grille when it hits dedicated baojun dealers early next year .
- 因此颁布了各种法规,包括捕鱼的大小和种类、网眼的大小、每月可以出海的天数以及允许的捕获量等等。
- Thus regulations have been issued about the size and type of fish to be caught , the mesh of nets to be used , the number of days a month that boats may go to sea , the permissible weight of their catch and so on .
- 但是在艳阳天,由“透明水泥”建成的房间呈现出的效果,如同墙壁上有很多灯光网眼,将光线过滤进来。
- But on a sunny day inside a building made from the cement , the effect is akin to little more than a light mesh on the wall filtering the light coming in .
- 除了看不见的防水外层,这件夹克还有一个运动网衫内层,更别提碳纤维纽扣了。
- Apart from an invisible waterproof outer layer , the jacket also has an inner layer of athletic mesh jersey , not to mention carbon-fibre buttons .
- 所以网格中开始包含的线索过少是不行的。
- So grids cannot contain just a few starting clues .
- 我下一轮购入的图书有几本是关于网格构造。
- My next round of book purchases will feature several books on constructing grids .
- 一个相似的理由也解释了为什么有更少线索的网格也会有多个解。
- A similar argument explains why grids with fewer clues must also have multiple solutions .