- 如果警方能沿嫌犯的路径重走一遍,就有可能破解案件。
- If the cops can retrace the suspect 's path , they can potentially crack the case .
- 研究人员发明了一种更坚固的钢材,不会在低温下出现裂缝或断裂。
- Researchers have created a tougher form of steel that will not splinter or crack at low temperatures .
- 还有一种可能就是,地基墙有裂缝,水才渗了进来。
- Another possibility is that the foundation wall has a crack that 's allowing water to penetrate .
- 正如他的典型做法,他坚持认为家庭不和给了他一个商业教训。
- In typical fashion , he maintains the family rift has taught him a business lesson .
- 与弗格森的不和传言继续持续着,但是曼联对坚持鲁尼哪里也不去。
- Speculation of a rift with ferguson continues to grow but united insist rooney is going nowhere .
- 除了阻碍阿富汗局势和打击叛乱行动的进展,双方不和还将使目前的危机更加恶化。
- Besides hindering any progress on afghanistan and insurgency , a rift would exacerbate this dire situation .
- 但这种论证有个漏洞。
- But there is a chink in this argument .
- 然而,cag的宪法护甲有个裂缝。
- There is a chink in the cag 's constitutional armour , though .
- 如果这是真的,那么这是不是一个迹象,表明曾经强大的关系式数据库终于在它的盔甲上出现了裂缝?
- If that is true , then is this a sign that the once mighty relational database finally has a chink in its armor ?