- 安吉县缫舍农村信用合作社。
- Anji county homes reeling rural credit cooperatives .
- 而现在,我们只能接受这样的事实:墨西哥城一次相对轻微的猪流感爆发,却使东京市场为之眩晕。
- For now , we will have to live with a world where a relatively minor flu outbreak in mexico city can send markets reeling in tokyo .
- 因为来自成本较低的个人电脑业务的冲击,其主营业务承受了巨大的压力。
- Its mainframe business was reeling under pressure from the lower-cost technology of personal computing .
- 缫丝产业蒸蒸日上,而作为原材料的生丝却价格日跌,这是一种极其不正常的现象,据他的观察,主要原因是华商各自为战,被洋人控制了价格权。
- It was weird that filature industry is flourishing while the raw silk price was dropping with the day , which , according to hu 's observation , was mainly caused by the price war between all the chinese raw silk dealers who were thereby manipulated by foreign businessmen in its price .
- 你在盐汁里加了些什佐料?
- What did you put in the souse
- 傻瓜、失败者、扶不起的阿斗!
- A fool . A loser . A hopeless souse !
- 当天气够暖和时,孩子们就投入到游泳池中。
- When it is warm enough , the children souse into the swimming pool .
- 安吉县缫舍农村信用合作社。
- Anji county homes reeling rural credit cooperatives .
- 而现在,我们只能接受这样的事实:墨西哥城一次相对轻微的猪流感爆发,却使东京市场为之眩晕。
- For now , we will have to live with a world where a relatively minor flu outbreak in mexico city can send markets reeling in tokyo .
- 因为来自成本较低的个人电脑业务的冲击,其主营业务承受了巨大的压力。
- Its mainframe business was reeling under pressure from the lower-cost technology of personal computing .