- 韩博士觉得能从蝎子那找到答案,就像他在杂志《兰格缪尔》中写的,他发现蝎子外骨骼的表面是非常古怪的,而且就算换成其他的材料这种古怪的外骨骼似乎也能保护它们。
- Dr han suspects that scorpions may provide an answer . As he writes in langmuir , he has discovered that the surface of androctonus 's exoskeleton is odd . And when that oddness is translated into other materials it seems to protect them , as well .
- 结果表明:吸附存在可逆吸附和不可逆吸附过程,吸附等温线类于朗格缪尔吸附,经线性回归计算出吸附方程、吸附平衡常数、最大吸附容量;
- The results show that : reversible and irreversible adsorption could both occur during the sorpted process ; the adsorption isotherms curve is similar to that of langmuir . Linearity equation , adsorption balance constants and maximal static capacity are presented ;
- 基于等离子体朗缪尔流效应的新型微机械陀螺仪。
- New micromechanical gyroscopes based on plasma langmuir flow effects .