- 乏味的确意味着兴趣狭窄。
- What boring does mean is narrow .
- 很多演讲者的领域很窄。
- Most speakers have a narrow range .
- 狭窄街道上的交通让人望而却步。
- Traffic on narrow streets is harrowing .
- 它们必须降低国内需求。
- They must reduce domestic demand .
- 上周,财政部宣称将会削减至一次。
- Last week it said it would reduce these to one .
- 开源软件可以削减甚至消除对咨询顾问与技术支持的需求。
- Open-source software can reduce or eliminate the need for consultants and tech support .
- 这一比例可能大幅萎缩。
- This proportion may well shrink .
- 食疗和运动只能缩小它们。
- Diet and exercise just shrink them .
- 一些权威专家认为经济会萎缩。
- Some pundits think the economy will shrink .
- 她要求下属进行了好几轮的成本削减。
- She demanded rounds of cost reduction from subordinates .
- 政府的内部政治可以促进也可以妨碍赤字的减少。
- Politics within the government can help or hinder deficit reduction .
- 他们将得到新的资金注入并逐渐减少其政府负债。
- It will get fresh funds and a gradual reduction of its official debts .