- 她载我到芬威公园的露天看台去看特德威廉姆斯在波斯顿红袜队打左路。
- She took me to the bleachers in fenway park to watch ted williams play left field for the boston red sox .
- 在路上两人开始嘲笑同车的两名红袜队球迷,因为他们只有一张火车票。
- They start making fun of a couple of red sox supporters who only have one ticket between the two of them .
- 汤普森是“红袜”(redsox)棒球队等波士顿地区体育团队的忠实粉丝,给人的感觉更像是一位可以一块看球的人,而不是硅谷圈内人士。
- A devout fan of boston-area sports teams including baseball 's red sox , mr. thompson can come off more as person to watch a ballgame with , rather than a silicon valley insider .