- 生命被形容为一滴朝露,一名快跑者,一次呼吸,一缕轻烟。
- Life is described as a mist , a fast runner , a breath , and a wisp of smoke .
- 也许未来精心准备的远见观察和聪明的演绎推理会解开这个谜一样的小精灵的真正起源。
- Perhaps well-chosen future observations and clever deductive reasoning will unlock the true origin of this enigmatic wisp in the future .
- 亚太经济合作组织只是在“协调单边主义”上的一个试验,而不是双边区域自由贸易协定一团乱麻中的一股绳。
- Apec is an exercise in " concerted unilateralism " , not a strand in the tangled noodle-bowl of bilateral and regional free-trade agreements .
- 灼热的夏季风会使船只搁浅。
- Scorching summer winds strand ships .
- 一股怀疑思想,行为经济学,开始兴盛。
- A strand of sceptical thought , behavioural economics , has been booming .
- tanjakrakowski和其商业合伙人leabrumsack利用一些列产品包括当地农民的畸形和剩余存货,运营了一个创造性的服务。
- Tanja krakowski ( right ) and business partner lea brumsack run a catering service using a range of produce , including misshapen and surplus stock from local farmers .
- 军官莉,对她自己的身体已经没有感觉了。
- Lea , the officer , had stopped feeling her own body .
- 白天,他叫她莉,因为这是她的名字,因为她说他可以这样叫她。
- He called her lea during the day , because it was her name , and because she said he could .
- 尽管郑光日和l都曾经历过苦难,但他们都思念家乡,他们在韩国的生活举步维艰。
- Despite their ordeal , both jung and l miss home and find life in south korea hard .
- magliv酒厂使用的日产50升烈酒的阿诺德荷斯坦蒸馏器。
- Magliv uses arnold holstein distillers making 50 l of cognac spirit daily .
- 目前航空燃油价格为每加仑1.75美元,约合46美分一升,这将大大节约航空公司的运营成本。
- And with jet fuel costing about $ 1.75 per gal. ( 46 cents per l ) , that could save the airlines millions .