- 同联邦政府的财政刺激带来的帮助一样,存货变动对经济的拉动也将继续减弱。
- The boost from inventory changes will continue to fade , as will the help from federal stimulus .
- 但他警告说,政策的刺激力度会逐渐减弱,而私人需求还没有准备好接替它。
- But he warned that policy stimulus would fade , and that private demand was not ready to take over .
- 当这些临时因素渐渐减弱时,当消费者们在近期汽油价格回落中得到好处时,就业形势可能仍旧会好转。
- As those temporary factors fade , and as consumers get the benefit of a recent drop in petrol prices , job creation may still rebound .