- 新织物诸如尼龙的兴起削减了丝绸在整个世界的流行,而现在丝绸再一次成了某种稀有奢侈物品,但比最兴盛时期的量要少的多。
- The rise of new fabrics such as nylon reduced the prevalence of silk throughout the world , and silk is now once again a somewhat rare luxury good , much less important than in its heyday .
- 目前,这种服装有6种材质,包括纯色丝绸衫、双色丝绸衫以及含有香槟色的黑丝绸衫,还有12种不同颜色。
- The dress now comes in six fabrics including solid silk jersey , two-tone silk jersey , and black with a champagne inside , as well as 12 colour variations .
- 她虽享受荣华富贵,但这一切是建立在自己的痛苦之上,这就注定了李纨将继续演绎着红楼悲剧,注定了她的爱情悲剧和命运悲剧。
- All these is building-up above self agony although she enjoying glory , splendour , wealth and rank , have been destined that li fine silk fabrics will continue deduction right now red tower tragedy , has been destined that her love tragedy composes in reply destiny tragedy .